About Us

At KEA Outdoors we make innovative and reliable outdoor gear that is built to help you explore with confidence.
We are adventurers like you and just want to be out there to soak it all in. We need versatile gear that grows with us, gear that we can trust and that lasts the test of time. We start with purpose, mix in function and finish it off with smart design. Because we live to explore, adventure and Live Wild!
Our journey began in 2020 following the Covid-19 pandemic. Founded by professional New Zealand outdoor adventure guide Matt Butler, the disruption caused by the international border closures gave him a chance to tackle a problem that had been bugging him for years, "I needed an easy and versatile way to carry all my essential survival gear". Utilising his experience in the outdoors he set about solving this problem and to build a survival kit that was unlike any other in on the market. That's when the KEA KIT was born.
Matt understands first hand how quickly things can go wrong in the outdoors and how important it is to be fully prepared. He says, "Preparation is the key to survival, no matter how good we think we are. I created the KEA KIT to offer a better way to prepare for all our outdoor adventures. The market has always been full of cheap, gimmicky kits that don't even cover the basic essentials and I knew there had to be a better option, so I decided to build it"
Following a year of development and testing the KEA KIT was launched on Kickstarter in June 2021 to great success. We are now a small now a small team looking to shakeup the traditional outdoor gear market by focusing on creating innovative and reliable gear that don't cost the earth.
We are KEA Outdoors and we we born to Live Wild!
KEA Outdoors is inspired by the Kea, a spectacular native New Zealand Alpine Parrot. As the worlds only alpine parrot, they are cheeky, curious and have adapted to use the tools at their disposal to survive in one of the harshest environments in the world. Sadly they are listed as an endangered species, with only a few thousand Kea living in the wild
We are passionate about these special birds and that’s why we have partnered with the Kea Conservation Trust to help support them in their mission to protect the Kea that remain and improve their future prospects in the wild.
KEA Outdoors is based in the mountain town of Wanaka, New Zealand.